Recovery Peer Support: The Recovery Coach

For those who work in the recovery treatment field, peer support is often misunderstood, and confused with a 12-step sponsor. For those who do not work in the field on a regular basis, the recovery coach position is widely misunderstood and often undervalued in pay and prestige. As a Recovery Coach, I look at myself…

Jillian G and Dominick Gladstone

Recovery From Fear

On this episode of the Recovery Rebirth Podcast, Dominick and Jillian talk about fear as a universal human experience. We’ve all been scared when we’re startled or while watching a horror movie. These kinds of fear quickly subside and we return to our (ideally) calm state. But some fears are persistent and hijack our ability…

Jillian G and Dominick Gladstone

Relationships in Recovery Part 3 of 3

On this episode of the Recovery Rebirth Podcast, we build upon our previous discussion on relationships, taking a deep dive into attachment theory/attachment styles. We also dig deeper into analyzing our patterns, rooted in our childhood traumas/wounding. We share some elucidating insights gained through looking at ourselves vs. focusing on the behavior of our romantic…